Common Questions
Do I need to pay my bills?
If you have a negative listing associated with an account that has an unpaid balance, you may be able to delete the negative listing, but the money owed remains the same. If the account continues to be delinquent, the creditor or collector may re-report the listing.
There are a few situations where you do not need to pay your bills; 1). If the account balance is inaccurate. In this case you would need to dispute with the creditor or collection agency and have them agree to re-list the account as "paid in full" . 2). If the statute of limitations to collect on the debt has expired. Here you need to find out what your state laws are regarding this matter and provide proof to the creditor or collector. 3). If you are in the process of or working toward debt settlement. In this case you wait until a reduced amount is negotiated with the creditor/collector. 4). You have filed for Bankruptcy and the account is included.